Welcome to the second part of three things I love about China. If you missed the first one check it out here: read more…
China has a lot to offer and here are my second three things I love about it:
#1 Opportunities in China
China is in every aspect extraordinary.
– Most cities with more than 1 million people in a single country
– Biggest population
– one of the fastet growing economies
– biggest producer of renewable energy
and the list can go on and on. But it’s not about what China did in the past. It’s about what opportunities it has now and for the future. I can not imagine any other country with this prosperous future China offers. If you are looking for studies or a Job or just settling: You can do it in China! Do you want to go for beach holiday, skiing, mountain hiking, boating or what ever: You can do it in China!
If you want to live the dream: Start to live the Chinese dream.
#2 Cheap costs of living in China
Yes, living in China becomes more and more expensive. But even the mega cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing still offers affordable housing. Maybe not in the city center, but thanks to metro stations everywhere you can commute quite rapidly.
And food is still so cheap, nearly everyone in China can afford to go out eat for several times a week. When I lived in China I nearly never cooked for myself, because of the convenience of going out and have someone let the food prepare and cook for you. And if you like to cook for yourself it is even cheaper. When I went to the super market to buy some groceries for the first time I couldn’t believe how cheap it was. For a half full shopping cart I paid around 15$ in total.
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#3 You can live just off of your mobile phone in China now
In Germany I usually carry my phone with me holding my credit cards and some cash bills. In China you can leave the cards and bills at home and pay everything with AliPay or WeChatPay. Even street musicians place a QR-Code in front of then instead a hat to throw in bills or coins. Sure, it makes you transparent, but on the other hand it is highly convenient and practical. I noticed that people installing WeChat now can’t use the wallet function as people can that are using it for a long time like me. If you have some update on this topic please feel free and leave a comment.